Grant and Loan Funding Administration
Expertise / Funding Sourcing

The RAUCH inc. grants and loan team offers over forty years of experience in grant and loan sourcing, application, administration and project close-out. We are actively managing 20+ funding programs, often with extensive reporting requirements. Our team is skilled at obtaining infrastructure and project funding from a variety of sources including: MDE, USDA, DNR, MEMA/FEMA, NFWF, CDBG, SHA/MDOT and many other agencies.
Projects have included:
- Full Grant and loan support services, including research, application, submission and administration
- Design & Construction funding for 4 WWTPs
- Master Water & Sewer Plan updates
- Roads, drainage, public landings, public parks funding
- Public building renovations
- Water system, well, WWTP and pump station design and construction
- Stormwater management plans to control and eliminate pollution sources
- Correction of paving and drainage issues
- GIS modeling
- Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Reports
RAUCH inc. has served in the role of Town Consulting Engineer for five municipalities, guiding funding sourcing and prioritization of town goals and needs on an as-needed and reduced cost basis for better control of limited municipal budgets.